New, super fast laser random number generator.

New, super fast laser random number generator. (Nr 30/2021)

Scientists have created an entirely new random number generator based on laser light emission. According to normal standards, the design of the new laser is a ...

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Laser transmission in space.

Laser transmission in space. (Nr 25/2021)

This year's landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars, followed by the transmission of excellent-quality images and even video to Earth, has sparked discussion...

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The world's first quantum network.

The world's first quantum network. (Nr 4/2021)

Chinese scientists have created the world's first integrated quantum communication network by interconnecting over 700 terrestrial optical fibers and two Earth...

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Battery and charger in one – a new technology to collect and store solar energy.

Battery and charger in one – a new technology to collect and store solar energy. (Nr 2/2021)

Scientists at Lancaster University have invented a new material that can collect energy from light radiation and store it in its structure. The structure is ba...

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