Google X, the part of Google responsible for developing most amazing projects, has launched a research and development program focusing on shipments with the u...
- We have already received dozens of your entries to the 16th DIPOL's Summer Holiday Contest 2017 "Engagingly about Antennas".
- Wireless networks in offices and hotels.
- Multiswitch system with 100 outlets in Krakow.
- Fiber splicing for everyone!
- Hybrid video surveillance system (analog + IP).
- Use of image analytics in IP CCTV systems.
- Construction Products Regulation (CPR) - new requirements for cables.
- Fiber-optic Ethernet connections.
Scientists from Harvard University claim that they have obtained a sample of solid metallic hydrogen. The importance of the achievement can be underlined by th...
- Multiswitch SMATV system in Krakow.
- Types of HDMI converters/extenders - part 1.
- Diagnostics of optical links.
- Dynamic IP address and access to CCTV devices.
- An application of ROPAM wireless control kit.
On January 11, 2017 r. Norway started the process of switching off FM transmitters, clearly opting for digital version of radio services in the future. The fir...
- DVB-T/T2/C - DVB-T (COFDM) transmodulator and channel converter.
- Configuration tool for RACK cabinets.
- Two IP cameras on a pole, video transmission via optical fiber.
- Conversion of recordings from Hikvision devices.
- Application of IP camera with audio channel in X-ray laboratory.