DIPOL Weekly Review - TV and SAT TV, CCTV, WLAN

No. 17/2018 (April 23, 2018)

Room with a cosmic view!

Already in 2022 Orion Span will start receiving guests at Aurora Station. The station is to be a space hotel located 320 km above the Earth (for comparison, the International Space Station orbits the Earth at an altitude of 400 km). To enjoy the wonderful view, the tourist will have to pay almost $ 800,000 per night (booking a place costs $ 80,000). The whole cost of staying 12 days will be about 9.5 million dollars. For sure, there will be many candidates ...
The first hotel in space
(source: space.com)

According to basic assumptions, Aurora Station should accommodate up to four people, plus two-people crew as the service for the guests. The main module of the orbital station is 13.3 meters long and 4.3 meters wide. The total usable space is 130 cubic meters.
The entire design of the module is created in Houston with the participation of engineers involved earlier in the International Space Station project. Orion Span has not yet announced how the hotel module will be launched into orbit. However, it showed plans to expand the station with new modules, if it was commercially successful.

DIPOL at SECUREX 2018 trade fair.

During this year's edition of the fair that is starting today, DIPOL will present both CCTV solutions highly valued on the installation market and a number of new products in the broad fields of low-voltage, RF, and fiber optic systems. At the stand, there are three products that seem to be most interesting for our customers:
IP (100/1000 Mbps) to 4x DVB-T transmodulator TERRA mix-440 R81611. The newest firmware version of the device, 2.04, has been extended with conversion of RTSP streams from IP cameras to DVB-T COFDM standard. This functionality enables the addition of information from IP cameras, encoded in H.264 or H.265 standard, into TV distribution systems, without a need for other devices (NVRs and DVB-T modulators).
Vimtag IP/Wi-Fi cameras supported by cloud service, dedicated for a variety of home applications. They make an ideal solution for everyone requiring many functions performed by a single device. The functions include an electronic nanny, helper in the care of elderly parents, a pet minder, or just a simple home monitoring system. The CP2 K1561 model is equipped both with Wi-Fi and LAN interface. With PTZ function, the user can watch the whole room, remotely changing the direction of the camera within 350° horizontally and 90° vertically. The IR illuminator with range up to 10 m guarantees perfect visibility at night. The card slot accepts microSD cards with capacity up to 128 GB which can store the recordings. The built-in speaker and microphone allow for bi-directional voice communication. With a smartphone, the user can listen to what is happening around the camera, send a voice message or just talk like on a speakerphone. Motion detection can trigger snapshot/video recording and/or real-time push notifications.
Signal Fire AI-8 fusion splicer L5870 combines affordable pricing and technological solutions reserved for top-notch devices.The fusion splicer employs core alignment technology (there is option of cladding alignment) that ensures minimum attenuation of the splices. Fiber ends are positioned by 6 stepper motors from Siemens, which is an absolute exception in this price category. The splicer can be used both for deployment of hundred-kilometer-long fiber optic trunks and in FTTH systems requiring short point-to-point connections, in LAN installations and fiber-based video surveillance systems. The AI-8 model is controlled by a quad-core processor providing fast response times (the splicer is ready to work after 3 seconds) and ensuring short splicing and sleeve heating operations. The splicer is one of the fastest devices of its kind currently available on the market and the fastest in its price class.

Gold Hikvision duo.

Hikvision has won as many as 8 Gold Medals of the Securex 2018 fair. Among the winning products there is a system for face recognition based on deep learning algorithms. The components of the system are the iDS-2CD8426G0/F-I camera and iDS-9632NXI-I8/4F NVR.
The stereoscopic camera with two lenses employs a Deep Learning algorithm, implemented with the use of highly efficient GPU dedicated for face recognition applications. In the case of detecting a person whose picture is in the database, it triggers an alert and sends information along with the gender of the suspect and the probability of proper identification, given in percents. It can simultaneously recognize up to 30 people from a database of 30,000 photos.
The camera can work independently, but only in conjunction with the iDS-9632NXI-I8/4F NVR the users can enjoy the full spectrum of capabilities. The NVR, in addition to handling data from the camera, can analyze the material that has already been recorded: searching for a person by uploading a photo, alarming about the appearance of a person in the database (50,000 records) or detecting a "new" person. The face recognition function can also be used to put privacy masks on faces in the field of view of the camera, with the possibility to "unmask" them only by authorized users.
Systems based on Deep Learning algorithms can be used at airports, in public buildings, in shops, hotels, banks, and shopping centers. Information from face recognition procedures can be used not only in video surveillance systems, e.g. to detect wanted persons, but also is useful for advertising and commercial purposes (e.g. to know the sex and age of customers). What is extremely important, the searching procedures do not have to take place in real time. Thanks to the NVR, the users can also search the archives.

Pay-TV channels in a hotel TV system.

The cheapest and most popular way of distribution of television channels in a hotel installation is the antenna system providing terrestrial DVB-T broadcasts. However, hotel owners often want to offer also a number of satellite channels, FTA and encrypted ones. DVB-S/S2 to DVB-T TERRA transmodulators can easily and economically fulfill the requirements and extend the DVB-T channels with selected satellite programming, without a need for installing satellite receivers in hotel rooms.
View of the TDX-420C R81619 transmodulator with two inserted CAMs decoding encrypted channels. The versatile, multi-stream CAM CI A9948 module available in PRO version can operate with smart cards of different encryption schemes (one module can decode up to 7 channels (14 PIDs) simultaneously). One TDX-420C R81619 panel can receive channels from two satellite transponders and convert them into two neighboring DVB-T multiplexes with maximum throughput of 31.66 Mbps.

How to restore a previous layout in iVMS-4200 app.

. The iVMS-4200 application is a client software for the management and control of video functions of Hikvision DVRs, NVRs, IP cameras, encoders, decoders, VCA solutions etc. The features of the software include live viewing and recording, remote browsing/searching of recordings, playback, backup, processing of alarm signals.
A very convenient feature of the application for the system operator is the possibility to create a required view - the layout of images from the most important cameras. This way, immediately after launching the application, the operator can quickly view images from the selected cameras. This option is especially useful for people who monitor the cameras with this application, but are not experts in using it.
For automatic resume of the latest layout of images after each start of the app, the user should enter the Tools -> System Configuration -> Live View and Playback -> Resume Latest Live View Status after Restart item. From now on, the iVMS-4200 app will automatically resume the camera view that has been used the last time.
Activation of the automatic resume of the latest layout of images
after each restart of the iVMS-4200 application

GSM repeater in a single-family home.

There are places where mobile phones can be used without problems outdoors, but the signal strength/quality is insufficient for indoor operation. Such locations include some remote places (long distances to base stations), but more often rooms in old buildings with thick walls or in basements and cellars (e.g. pubs, coffee shops). In the case of homes with such problems, the owners can use the Signal GSM-305 A6765 amplifier/repeater.
The device amplifies and distributes GSM signal inside the building, using the outdoor antenna directed towards the suitable base station and indoor antenna cooperating with the cellular phone. The external antenna has to be situated in the place where the signal level from the selected operator is optimal, while ensuring appropriate isolation from the internal antenna.
GSM/DCS/UMTS Antenna: TRANS-DATA KYZ8.2/9.5GSM Amplifier/Repeater SIGNAL GSM-305 (without PSU)AC/DC Adapter: 9 VDC, 3A (2.1/5.5 mm)GSM/DCS/UMTS Antenna: TRANS-DATA DW3-A
Example application of Signal GSM-305 A6765 in a one-family home

Fiber optic connections inside apartments - which cable?

The L7102 cable is the first-choice fiber optic cable for applications in homes/apartments. Its high mechanical strength and small dimensions allow for easy and safe installation while maintaining a good level of aesthetics.
When someone wants to make connecting cables "completely invisible", we recommend to use E-FTTF-01J-B3 L7010. This cable is colorless, with diameter of only 0.9 mm. It can be run above the skirting board or under the ceiling, and installed with the use of e.g. colorless or white silicone. The jacket of the cable made of Nylon 12 is characterized by high resistance to impact and abrasion, as well as it does not support flame.
FTTH Indoor Cable: E-FTTF-01J-B3 (colorless, 1x G.657B3)
The L7010 fiber optic cable with G.657B3 fiber with minimized bending radius (2.5 mm!)
is ideal for laying in apartments

New products offered by DIPOL

Self-supporting Universal Cable OPTIX AirFlow S-QOTKSdD (2x9/125 ITU-T G.657A2, span 80m)
Self-supporting Universal Cable OPTIX AirFlow S-QOTKSdD L7402 is a universal (for outdoor and indoor use), round and self-supporting cable for FTTx systems, strengthened by aramid fibers (supporting element in aerial installations). The light construction with small diameter (3 mm), high flexibility and high tensile strength enable installers to build suspended lines with spans up to 80 m.

AHD, HD-CVI, HD-TVI Signal Amplifier/Repeater VHD-15
AHD, HD-CVI, HD-TVI Signal Amplifier/Repeater VHD-15 M1845 is designed to amplify high resolution AHD, HD-CVI or HD-TVI video signal transmitted over a long distance via a twisted-pair (UTP) or coaxial cable. A single device compensates the attenuation of about 150 m UTP cable or 300-500 m coaxial cable (depending on the type of cable used).

DVB-T/T2 Meter: Signal WS-6965 (built-in receiver)
DVB-T/T2 Meter: WS-6965 (built-in receiver) R10515 measures terrestrial DVB-T/DVB-T2 (HD) signals. The functions of the meter are clearly presented on color TFT LCD display. The meter is ideal for setup of every TV antenna system. The applications include positioning of terrestrial antennas, tuning of filters, adjustment of amplifiers, maintenance and troubleshooting. The device allows the user to measure such parameters as signal level expressed in dBμV, C/N ratio, and these very important for the assessment of the quality and reliability of the reception of digitally modulated signals: BER (Bit Error Rate) and MER (Modulation Error Ratio). Thanks to the built-in receiver, the user can monitor the currently tested channel.

The latest

April 16, 2018 - we invite everyone to attend HIKVISION Roadshow. The European headquarters of Hikvision organizes a mobile display of the latest CCTV devices. A specially prepared truck has already visited the countries of Western Europe and, since the beginning of April, has been traveling through Eastern Europe. It will arrive in Poland on May 8. In the track everyone will have the opportunity to experience how artificial intelligence works in practice.
  • 08.05.2018 - Krakow, Tauron Arena
  • 10.05.2018 - Warszawa, Stadion Narodowy (National Stadium)
  • 15.05.2018 - Gdansk, Dwor Oliwski
  • 17.05.2018 - Szczecin, Binowo Park
  • 21.05.2018 - Poznan, Inea Stadion
  • 22.05.2018 - Wroclaw, Hala Stulecia
There are three parts:
  • Visiting the exhibition on the truck where the operating devices are presenting their full capabilities
  • Thematic presentations in conference rooms
    • 09:30 Registration for the whole day based on the scan of the name card from online registration
    • 10:00-10:30 Artificial Intelligence
    • 11:15-11:35 WD Company
    • 11:35-12:05 Seagate Company
    • 13:15-13:35 HikCentral
    • 13:35-14:00 Cybersecurity
    • 16:00 The end of the event
  • Picnic with treats and good fun.
We invite installers, investors, municipal authorities, students and all interested.

Worth reading

Single-cable TERRA dSCR multiswitches. Manufacturers of multiswitches and satellite receivers are becoming more and more convinced of the advantages provided by Unicable technology. An increasing number of satellite receivers available on the European market support the SCR/Unicable system in accordance with EN50494 and/or EN50607 standard. The implementations of the appropriate software dedicated to the individual receivers / set-top boxes enable their use in SMATV systems based on single-cable multiswitches distributing a full range of digital DVB-S/S2 signals. DIPOL offers two new models of the multiswitches, SRM-523 R80523 and SRM-543 R80543, that can decrease the number of trunk cables in the RF distribution systems... >>>more
The diagram above shows an example installation based on cascadable single cable dSCR multiswitches
SIGNAL rack cabinets - performance and completeness