DIPOL Weekly Review - TV and SAT TV, CCTV, WLAN

No. 1/2018 (Jan. 1, 2018)

Cooperation between NASA and Google - AI discovers planets!

Artificial-intelligence software developed by Google has re-analyzed the old data from the Kepler space telescope. Thanks to this analysis, a new planet has been discovered in the Kepler-90 system. Scientists have found the trace of the eighth planet orbiting around the sun-like star also named Kepler-90.
The discovery of the scientists is undoubtedly a breakthrough. It means that our solar system is not the only one with eight planets. Additionally, it shows the possibilities of artificial intelligence in "discovering the cosmos". The newly discovered planet is called Kepler-90i and it is a stony, red-hot planet (the temperature on its surface is 427 degrees Celsius). An interesting fact is its period of circulation around the star, which is only fourteen and a half days.
Artificial intelligence discovers planets!
The planet was discovered thanks to the self-learning artificial intelligence provided by Google. The machine-learning program based on neural network analyzed the data provided by the Kepler Space Telescope searching for planets outside the periphery of our Solar System. Researchers employed by NASA used a special supercomputer to pick up small dips in brightness of light emitted by stars. The supercomputer encountered some traces of a planet, which turned out to be Kepler-90i.
Currently, astronomers are not able to study all the photos and information from telescopes. It is worth remembering that the launch of a completely new telescope is planned for next year. Artificial intelligence will certainly help speed up the search for new planets.

Satellite and terrestrial TV signals over single coax.

To use two satellite receivers or the function of simultaneous recording and watching two different channels provided by a PVR (Personal Video Recorder), it is necessary to have two independent SAT signals. Individual satellite installations with a SINGLE type LNB installed several or more years ago cannot provide such a functionality.
The adaptation of an older SAT TV installation for the use of two receivers or a PVR requires the change of the SINGLE-type LNB for a TWIN LNB. The additional output of the TWIN LNB has to be connected to the second receiver or the second input of the PVR via another coaxial cable.
It happens that the installation of the second cable could be very troublesome. In this case, a good alternative can be the application of the R85261 multi-band converter kit. The kit combines two independent satellite signals and terrestrial FM/DAB/TV broadcasts into one coaxial cable. It is an ideal solution for everyone who wants to exchange their simple SAT receiver with a PVR (with two IF inputs), or use another, independent DVB-S/S2 receiver, without a need of installing another coaxial cable.
Multi-band Converter KIT Johansson 9645Subscriber Terminal Outlet: Signal R-TV-SATSubscriber Terminal Outlet: Signal R-TV-SATMulti-band Converter KIT Johansson 9645TV/SAT Combiner-Splitter RS-02MsProfessional VHF and UHF DVB-T Antenna Set (H/V): DIPOL 28/5-12/21-60Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 100 TD (dark gray)Universal TWIN LNB Inverto 0.3 dB
An application diagram of the multi-band converter KIT Johansson R85261.
Transmission of two independent DVB-S/S2 signals (from one satellite)
and DVB-T broadcasts via one coaxial cable (red).

How to send HDMI and USB signals over 100 m?

Signal-HD HDMI to IP converter enables the user to connect remote (up to 100 m) source of HD content to HD-enabled television/monitor, using one CAT5e/6 cable. The set includes transmitter and receiver units. USB ports in the units also allow for remote control of e.g. a DVR/NVR, with a mouse etc. An important application of the H3613 converter is to enable viewing of images from security cameras and full control of the DVR/NVR located in a room different than the operator's one with the monitor.
Key features of the H3613 converter:
  • Transmission via a single Cat. 5e/6 cable
  • UDP/IP protocol
  • Support for 1080p mode
  • Maximum length of cable: 100 meters
  • USB extender
The bit rate of the compressed signal at the output of the transmitter is about 20 Mbps. The output signals can be properly decoded only by the dedicated receiver - it cannot be done by a PC equipped with a network card.
An application of the HDMI > IP converter with USB extender
HDMI & USB to IP converter/extender
How to use the H3613 HDMI to IP converter with USB extender

Dead zone in reflectometry measurements - the use of launch cable.

Correctly performed reflectometric measurements in fiber optic installations provide a lot of detailed information on the connections and irregularities occurring in optical paths. However, the specificity of Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs) enforces the use of an additional fiber between the reflectometer and the measured optical fiber link. This spool of fiber is usually called launch cable, or sometimes leader cable, fiber ring, dead zone box.
A reflectometer feeds into the optical fiber a pulse with user-specified length (the pulse duration can be e.g. 3 ns, 10 ns, 10 μs, etc). Of course, the reflectometer cannot take any measurements during that pulse. When the generated pulse (say 3 ns) encounters an event (splice, bend, connection etc.), it partially reflects and returns to the transmitter (reflectometer) blocking the measurement ability for the next 3 ns, necessary to receive the impulse, or even more, when the impulse is blurred. During that time, the impulse propagates further in the optical link, and any event encountered by it will remain invisible to the measurement system. To sum up: for one pulse with the duration of 3 ns, the reflectometer does not see any events during the time of the impulse emission and its return, i.e. 6 ns. Additional blurring of the pulse and switching times of the electronics add to that period.
Knowing the speed of light propagation in the optical fiber (usually the speed assumed for calculations is the same as in vacuum, i.e. 300,000,000 m/s), we can calculate the distance the light travels during the measurement pulse - it is about 0.3 m. After adding the reception and switching times of the electronics and possible blurring of the impulse, we can assume that the so-called dead (event) zone for such measurement impulse is 0.7 - 1 m. Within this section, the reflectometer is not able to identify events. Of course, the longer the pulse, the longer the corresponding dead zone, e.g. a strong impulse of 5 μs will generate a dead zone with a length of about 1000 m!
The first event in an optical path should be the first connector of the measured optical link. The dead zone should be estimated and the minimum length of the launch fiber determined for that place. Otherwise, without suitable launch cable, the measurement will not detect events occurring in the dead zone, i.e. at the beginning of the optical fiber link.
Single-mode Launch Cable 150 m (in box, FC/PC - SC/APC)
The L58315 launch (or leader) cable is intended for performing reflectometric measurements in fiber optic installations. The 150-meter long single-mode fiber (G.652D) allows measurements with pulses of short and medium duration. The fiber is terminated with SC/APC plug on one side and with FC/PC plug on the other, so it can be used without additional adapters with the Grandway FHO-3000-D26 L5828 reflectometer.

What does 1080p Lite recording mode mean?

Some DVRs designed for use with modern analog cameras provide 1080p Lite recording mode (common names of the mode are also 1080L or 1080N). The mode can be available both in DVRs not supporting the Full HD 1080p recording resolution and in those supporting it, but only at limited frame rate. In the 1080p Lite recording mode the surveillance video is recorded in a non-standard resolution of 960x1080 pixels at 25 fps. It is useful when the higher recording speed at the highest possible resolution (taking into account the specifications of the DVR) is the most important demand.
Comparison of the 1080 Lite and typical image resolutions used in CCTV:
1080p (1920 x 1080 px) and 720p (1280 x 720 px)
The comparison above shows that the 1080p Lite mode brings half as much information as 1080p, and in this respect it is similar to 720p. It should also be taken into account that the recording format is close to 1:1, not typical for currently used displays. Displaying the image in such an aspect ratio can be troublesome, because it is mismatched to typical monitors. The image may be stretched or with black stripes.

New products offered by DIPOL

HDMI to DVB-T Encoder/Modulator (Full HD 1080p/60Hz, for CCTV systems)
HDMI to DVB-T Encoder/Modulator R86111 encodes and modulates Full HD (1920x1080-60p) signal provided to its HDMI input to RF signal in accordance with DVB-T standard (COFDM). The device is a single-channel modulator, which means that the output DVB-T multiplex contains one channel modulated by the source signal. The R86111 encoder/modulator does not support HDCP, so it should be used in installations with HDMI signals coming from CCTV DVR or NVR, PC, laptop, tablet.

UHD Satellite Receiver Ferguson Ariva 4K
UHD Satellite Receiver Ferguson Ariva 4K A99376 combines features of DVB-S/S-2 receiver and multimedia player. The device ensures highest video quality both in the case of 4K UHD ultra-high resolution and Full HD content. The receiver can be controlled with the included remote control or via dedicated application that facilitates and speeds up access to all functions of the device. Additionally, the application allows users to watch TV on their smartphones or tablets, directly from the receiver.

HDMI to DVB-C(QAM)/DVB-T(COFDM)/DMB-T/ATSC Modulator JOHANSSON 8202 R86901 is a multi-standard digital device that can modulate the input HDMI signal (up to Full HD 1080p) fed to its HDMI socket into digitally modulated RF signal (called multiplex, mux or transponder) in DVB-C (QAM), DVB-T (COFDM), DMB-T or ATSC standard. The device is a single-channel modulator, which means that the output digital signal in the form of the DVB-C (QAM), DVB-T (COFDM), DMB-T or ATSC multiplex contains one channel modulated by the source signal. The RF signal can be combined with the rest of the signals in the system by the installer/administrator.

Worth reading

Ideal surge protection. Server rooms contain many computers and other network devices. They often represent significant components of the company assets. One of the biggest threats to computer systems are surges that may occur in Ethernet networks. They can not only destroy the hardware, but also the most valuable content - the stored data. Automatic backup systems can help in this field, but everyone should protect the source data and the equipment. Hence the need for surge protectors... >>>more
A surge protection solution based on fiber-optic media converters
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