DIPOL Weekly Review - TV and SAT TV, CCTV, WLAN

No. 22/2016 (May 30, 2016)

An electrifying step.

Since several years, Pavegen company has been developing and testing slabs or tiles capable of harvesting energy from footsteps. They were installed and promoted in schools, at train stations and airports, in public spaces, at exhibitions. The most recent Pavegen product generates "over 200 times more power than the first model manufactured in 2009" and connected into a flooring system can power e.g. streetlights, just using a part of the energy of people walking on.
Such a floor made of the tiles equipped with sensors can detect the direction and the number of pedestrians walking in a specific area. The data may contribute to a number of applications that can be used for example at railway stations or airports to manage and direct the flow of travelers.
Pavegen tile changing the kinetic energy of a moving person
into a portion of electrical energy
(source: pavegen.com)
Every time someone puts a foot on a tile, the tile provides about 5 watts of electrical power. Unlike earlier models, the new tiles have the shape of a triangle with generators located in the corners. Each footstep causes a vertical displacement that turned into radial motion generates electrical energy through electromagnetic induction.
Soon, Pavegen's power-generating floor will come to Oxford Street. It will be the first street in London lighted with the use of energy generated by pedestrians. This is a continuation of installations deployed in the most crowded places in London, such as the Westfield shopping center. There are plans for other applications of the system in London.

On June 1, 2016, starts the 15th jubilee edition of DIPOL Summer Photo Competition "Engagingly about Antennas".

As every year, we wait for your pictures with a leitmotiv of antennas of any kind and shape. The works will be judged by a well known photographer and designer from Krakow, Mr. Pawel Zechenter. Additional distinctions will be awarded by our Marketing Department. You are welcome to submit your works! More info on the photo contest website.

Hybrid HD-TVI DVRs.

All Hikvision HD-TVI DVRs offered by DIPOL support IP cameras. Most of the models provide the possibility of using 1 or 2 additional IP channels. The channels can operate with IP cameras using Hikvision or Onvif protocol, with resolution up to 1080p.
DVRs of DS-7300 HGHI-SH and DS-7300 HQHI-SH series are fully hybrid, i.e. any analog channel can be replaced by IP channel. For example, the DS-7316 HQHI-SH M75316 DVR can support up to 18 IP cameras, whereas the DS-7332HGHI-SH M75232 model can operate with up to 32 IP cameras. In both cases, the proportion of the analog and IP cameras can be freely shaped by the user. The DVRs can operate with IP cameras from various manufacturers, e.g. Sunell and Signal.

Configuration of redundancy recording in Hikvision NVRs.

Hikvision IP NVRs with minimum two interfaces for HDDs have the possibility to configure redundancy recording. It means that the data can also be recorded on the second or another hard disk, which substantially improves the security of the surveillance data.
To configure redundant recording from a web browser, the user should to log in to the NVR and follow the steps below:
  • enter the Configuration -> Storage Management -> HDD management menu, highlight the HDD No. 1 and select the R/W Property,
  • in the same menu, highlight the HDD No. 2 and select the Redundancy Property,
  • enter the Configuration -> Storage Management -> Schedule Settings menu, select the required camera, go to Advanced Settings and choose Redundancy Recording. The procedure has to be repeated for each camera that needs redundant recording.
View of the Configuration -> Storage -> Storage Management menu
in Hikvision NVRs (available via a web browser)

Satellite DVB-S/S2 television distributed via IP network.

DIPOL is now selling a new device allowing for distribution of DVB-S/S2 TV programming and video (provided as MPEG-2 TS - Transport Stream) in the form of IP streaming. The TERRA sdi480 R81610 DVB-S/S2 to IP streamer enables the selection of up to 100 unencrypted satellite channels from up to 8 transponders with effective throughput up to 400 Mbps.
IPTV Streamer: TERRA sdi 480 (DVB-S/S2 to IP, USB port)
IPTV Receiver IF-442HD
IPTV Streamer TERRA sdi 480 R81610
(DVB-S/S2 to IP, USB port)
TV channels and video in the form of IP streams
can be received by R81612 IPTV STBs
or laptops/PCs with VLC app
The transmission takes place in multicast form in the local LAN, without any additional costs. Additionally, the sdi 480 R81610 module can stream any material provided via USB port in the form of MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream).
The TERRA solution has been based on UDP/RTP transmission protocol plus a unique SAP&SDP communication protocol assuring automatic configuration of the IF-442HD R81612 IPTV receivers. They automatically detect any changes in the local network or the programming.

What is the function of GSM, DCS, 3G repeaters?

The repeaters amplify signals of GSM, DCS or 3G cellular services and distribute them inside buildings in low-signal areas. Any repeater has to be connected to an outdoor antenna directed toward the base station of a particular network, and to indoor antenna/s distributing the amplified downlink signals and receiving uplink signals from the terminals (phones or modems).
As the outdoor antennas, we recommend to use directional devices with minimized side lobs: log periodic antenna A741030 or panel antenna A741020.
GSM/DCS/UMTS antenna
KYZ8.2/9.5 A741030
GSM/DCS/UMTS antenna
KPV7.5/10 A741020
In the case of GSM/EGSM systems, we recommend the following configurations, depending on the covered area:
  • < 300m2 - the suitable device is Signal GSM-305 A6765,
  • > 300m2 but < 800m2 - the suitable device is Signal GSM-505 A6775 with several indoor antennas A741001,
  • > 800m2 up to 1200m2 - the suitable device is Signal GSM-1205 A6785,
  • > 1200m2 - the suitable device is also the repeater Signal GSM-1205 A6785, cooperating with several indoor antennas A741001.
GSM Amplifier/Repeater SIGNAL GSM-305
GSM Amplifier/Repeater SIGNAL GSM-505
GSM Amplifier/Repeater SIGNAL GSM-1205
GSM Amplifier/Repeater Signal GSM-305 A6765
GSM Amplifier/Repeater Signal GSM-505 A6775
GSM Amplifier/Repeater Signal GSM-1205 A6785
More on the selection of the equipment can be found in the FAQ - GSM, DCS, 3G repeaters article.

The construction of a mechanical splice.

Mechanical splices ULTIMODE FAST-MS1 L5550 are used for quick connections of optical fibers without the need of employing fusion splicers. Everything the installer has to do before application of the splice is to remove the protective layers (jacket and aramid fibers), strip the buffer, clean the core cladding and cleave the fiber with the two active layers.
Mechanical splice ULTIMODE FAST-MS1 L5550
The prepared ends of the fibers to be spliced should then be inserted to the both sides of the L5550 mechanical splice. The body of the splice contains V-groove device with holes slightly larger than the fibers. These holes are filled with optical gel compensating for cutting imperfections and imprecise positioning. After full insertion of the fibers, they have to be locked with the buckles. The versatile design of the mechanical splice allows for splicing optical fibers with buffer coating diameters of 0.25 mm (using the included reducer) and 0.9 mm.

New products

3D Printer: Signal Atmat XXXL (570x620x900mm)
3D Printer Signal Atmat XXXL P211861 is an innovative 3D printer. A distinguishing feature of the printer is a very large working area allowing users to create incredible objects. The machine is mainly composed of metal parts, some auxiliary components have been printed. Thanks to the use of RACK cabinet, the users can easily modify the printer to their needs, or even hang it on a wall!
Anchoring Clamp I-T1000.PA 10kN 8-12 mm
Anchoring Clamp I-T1000.PA E8577 allows the suspension of a cable. The body is made of aluminum alloy. The clamp is designed for round cables with a diameter between 8 and 12 mm. The minimum breaking force is 10 kN.
TV Optical Transmitter TERRA OT501W (SAT/DVB-T, 6dBm)
TV Optical Transmitter TERRA OT501W (SAT/DVB-T, 6dBm) A9872 is used for transmission of television signals via optical medium. It converts input satellite signals from a quatro LNB, and DTT (DVB-T) and radio (DAB and FM) signals (the terrestrial signals have to be combined by a triplexer) from a set of terrestrial antennas. The built-in WDM multiplexer transmits the two groups of signals separately, in the II transmission window (1310 nm) and III transmission window (1550 nm), which guarantees exceptional quality of the transmission.

Worth reading

WLAN networks in warehouses. One should distinguish two types of storage facilities, the first with fairly uniform propagation of radio waves, and the second, where machines or racks strongly affect the propagation of the signal. In the first case, it is often possible to use a single access point, e.g. TP-LINK EAP110 N2562, which installed in the center of the facility covers the whole area... >>>more
The idea of application of several TP-LINK EAP120 N2564 access points in a warehouse hall
Master connectors - the perfect choice