No. 37/2015 (Nov. 16, 2015)
Metamaterials pave photons the way to quantum computers.
Researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have created the first on-chip metamaterial with a refractive index of zero. This means that the light traveling inside it can achieve an infinite phase velocity, and the beam can be manipulated i.e. bent, twisted or changed in diameter without loss of energy.Metamaterials are kinds of materials with characteristics not normally found in nature. They are engineered structures, composed of metals or plastics. Their special feature is the value of refraction, which describes the way in which light travels through the structure. In nature, the value of this ratio is only a positive number. Metamaterials can have negative or, as demonstrated in this case, a zero value of this parameter.
The metamaterial with a refractive index of zero is composed of silicon pillars etched from SOI substrate,
with bottom gold film, embedded in a matrix, with top gold film.
with bottom gold film, embedded in a matrix, with top gold film.
Transmission of information by electrons is associated with the loss of energy dissipated as heat. On the way to use photons for data transmission there are still some obstacles, but the achievements of the scientists from Harvard can significantly accelerate progress in this field. One of the applications of the metamaterial can be components of quantum computers.
Conversion of HDMI signals to DVB-T form and distribution to multiple televisions.
The use of the DVB-T modulator Signal-400 R86700 is an attractive alternative to HDMI distribution systems based on HDMI splitters and HDMI cables, especially in the case of a larger number of televisions and/or longer distances. The modulator has HDMI input and USB interface, capable of processing SD, HD and Full HD signals. The output RF signal can be combined with any other TV signals. The source signal may come from a multimedia player, DVR, Blu-ray player, PC, STB, security camera etc. The modulator can distribute high quality HD content in the form of DVB-T multiplex via typical RF coaxial cables used in antenna systems.
Distribution of HD content from a Blu-ray and PC (as well as terrestrial DVB-T broadcasts)
by two Signal-400 R86700 DVB-T modulators, in a network with multiple televisions
by two Signal-400 R86700 DVB-T modulators, in a network with multiple televisions
The distribution of multimedia in the form of DVB-T ensures the same quality of image and sound in the entire system and, above all, allows for providing HD content to multiple receivers in a cost-effective way. DVB-T modulators can be used, for example, in the following applications:
- injection of surveillance video from a DVR or NVR to shared antenna systems,
- displaying information/commercial materials on multiple televisions (e.g. in electronic stores),
- creating "private" channels in hotels, campuses, housing developments.
GSM amplifiers/repeaters with verified quality.
Signal GSM-305 A6765, GSM-505 A6775, GSM-1205 A6785 repeaters are designed to amplify GSM signals in locations where the range of a cellular network allows for the use of mobile phones out of buildings, but is insufficient for indoor operation. The compliance of the devices with all required standards has been confirmed by a European laboratory - National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw, Poland.GSM Amplifier/Repeater SIGNAL GSM-305 A6765
Taking into account the type of equipment for the assessment of conformity with the essential requirements (compliance with Article 3.2 of the Directive 1999/5/EC) on the effective use of radio spectrum, the following test program has been established: output power (for downlink and uplink), gain across the operating band, spurious emissions, transmitter intermodulation attenuation, gain outside the operating band, frequency error, GMSK modulation accuracy, 8-PSK modulation accuracy.
The evidence of compliance with all required standards
issued by the National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw, Poland.
All tests confirm high quality of Signal amplifiers/repeaters.
The parameters of the devices ensure wide safety margins to the limits.
Breakout units for easy access cables.
Easy access cable is a solution that specifically facilitates the distribution of fibers in multistory buildings such as offices and multifamily houses. Thanks to the unique design of the cables, the individual fibers are easily accessible and can be pulled out from the breakout windows to lengths up to 30 meters. In addition to saving space in vertical cable shafts, the application of easy access cables definitely reduces the installation time compared to conventional installations based on star topology where separate optical fibers go from server/technical room to users' outlets.The elements necessary for deployment of systems based on easy access cables are dedicated breakout units. They provide adequate protection for the breakout windows cut in the cable tubes, shelter the pulled out fibers and keep them in proper position with permissible bending radius. Finally, they are used to attach the cables to the building structure.
The optical fibers deployed between the distribution points (breakout units L5351 for four fibers or distribution boxes L5352 for six fibers) and the premises of the subscribers, are to be protected by drop/distribution tube VC-TUB L7211. When a window is cut out, but currently no fiber is led out, the suitable protection for the cable is provided by VertiCasa cover L5350.
Images from Hikvision Fisheye camera.
Hikvision DS-2CD2942F-IS K1790 is a modern IP camera equipped with fisheye lens allowing 360°/180° monitoring (with ceiling/wall mounting, respectively). Thanks to a very high video resolution (4 MP: 2560 x 1440 pixels) and ability to cover a large area, the camera ideal for video surveillance in departure lounges, shopping malls, superstores, supermarkets, offices, hotel venues, restaurants, etc. The built-in IR illuminator with range up to 10 m allows for effective monitoring even in complete darkness. With multiple displaying modes, e.g. fisheye, panorama, PTZ, and alarm options such as motion detection, line crossing detection, intrusion detection, the camera can fully protect the whole room. The user, after logging to the camera via web browser or iVMS 4200 application, has access to all display modes. Virtual PTZ can be used for creation of any panoramic view of the scene.The camera has the following image displaying modes:
- fisheye (360° - ceiling-mounted, 180° wall-mounted)
- panorama
- fisheye + 3 PTZ
- panorama + 3 PTZ
- 4 PTZ
- fisheye + 8 PTZ
- panorama + 8 PTZ
The use of thermal imaging cameras for temperature measurements.
Thermal imaging cameras are often used for remote temperature measurements of various objects, with notifications about exceeding arbitrary thresholds. The problem of calibration of such temperature measurements is not straightforward and depends on many factors. However, when the measurements do not have to be very accurate, the calibration issue can be reduced to two presets of the camera, the emissivity of the surface of the examined body and the temperature of the environment.Emissivity is a feature of the surface of an object. It is the ratio of the thermal radiation from the surface to the radiation from an ideal black surface at the same temperature. For example, the emissivity of polished aluminum is ca. 0.05 and of paper is ca. 0.9.
The ambient temperature setting is required to compensate for the radiation reflected from surface of the examined object. If the emissivity of the object is low, the setting of the ambient temperature is crucial.
When a thermal imaging camera is used only to diagnose temperature differences, for example to detect the hottest places, the emissivity and ambient temperature settings are not required.
Industrial Power Supply Mean Well MDR-60-48 N93326 - industrial DIN rail switching-mode power supply that has been specially designed for powering industrial switches, control systems and automation equipment with stable 48 VDC voltage. The maximum load is 1.25 A. | ||
2MP IP PTZ Camera Hikvision DS-2DE5184-A K1792 has been equipped with high quality 2 MP (1920x1080) image sensor operating at 25 fps. The camera provides two data streams (main stream and sub-stream) and can use H.264 or MJPEG compression method. Thanks to day and night modes, the camera very well renders colors in daylight and fully makes use of its high sensitivity at night. | ||
Carbon Monoxide Detector KIDDE 10LLDCO (LCD display, built-in battery) G9589 is used for continuous monitoring of premises exposed to the danger of this poisonous gas. The detector has been equipped with a new generation electrochemical CO sensor with a 10-year lifespan and a built-in battery with the same service life. The device has LCD display showing the level of carbon monoxide in the range of 0 to 999 PPM. The CO concentration is measured every second. The sensor is equipped with optical (red LED) and acoustic signaling (85 dB pulsating alarm sound) which automatically starts when a threat is detected. | ||
November 10, 2015 - Optical fibers and IP networks - course for installers. The course "Optical and IP networks in practice", conducted in October, met with a very warm welcome by installers. The participants not only gained theoretical knowledge but also could splice fibers and install them in fiber-optic trays. In the field of IP networks, the installers acquired knowledge of advanced configuration of intelligent and manageable TP-LINK switches.
Worth reading
Transmission of HD-TVI signals via twisted pair cables. The application of a UTP/FTP cable instead of coaxial cable has important advantages. The installation of the twisted pair cables is easier due to their flexibility and versatility - one cable containing four pairs can transmit signals from more than one camera and/or be also used for power supply. The application of the twisted pair for video transmission is connected with the use of impedance matching devices, i.e. matching the 75 Ω unbalanced impedance of analog CCTV systems to the 100 Ω balanced impedance of the twisted pair, located on both sides of each video transmission line... >>>more
HD-TVI Video Balun Hikvision DS-1H18 (2 pcs., BNC) M16641