No. 3/2015 (Jan 19, 2015)
CES - cars will also be "Smart".
Many interesting technical innovations at CES in Las Vegas were connected with automotive market. Big car manufactures from Europe, Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, have paid particular attention to self-driving technology. In addition, they tend to equip their cars in Auto Andorid or Apple CarPlay platforms for integrating mobile phones with on-board multimedia systems.Even before the event began, everybody was waiting for the announced unaided arrival of Audi A7 - just on its own. In fact, the day before the start of the fair, the German car traveled the route from San Francisco to Las Vegas (almost 900 kilometers) being assisted by a driver only in tough urban conditions. In the absence of human response to the signal about the need to take control of the car, it automatically turned to the side of the road and switched on hazard warning lights. During the test the car did not exceed the speed of 113 km/h. The heart of the almost 100% autonomous vehicle is Drive PX computer using two Tegra X1 chips mentioned in the previous issue of the Newsletter.
BMW presented electric car (i3 model), capable on its own to find a free parking space and then to park. Similar solutions were also presented by Hyundai and Volkswagen. It seems that this kind of solutions can become one of the most desirable in new cars. The prospect of "self-parking" in front of the crowded shopping malls or during mass events, along with the ability of the car to drive up to the user to a selected area after shopping or end of the event, seems very tempting.
Other technical innovations in the automotive field, presented at CES, included control of cars and multimedia devices. Audi presented a virtual cockpit designed for the new generation of Q7 series. The dashboard is compatible both both with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, allowing to transpose the screens of smartphones to the dashboard display. Parrot, Pioneer and JVC Kenwood have already offered devices based on Android Auto and Apple CarPlay systems. Volkswagen introduced Golf R with some functions that can be controlled by the driver using gestures.
EasyFind function - speeding up installations of DVB-S/S-2 systems.
Satlook Micro HD R10740 meter has been designed and manufactured by engineers of Emitor company in Sweden. The main purpose of the meter is to help the installer find a chosen satellite (in the Easy Find mode), and then to allow for precise alignment of the dish and LNB(s) by measuring a set of parameters of digital signals from selected transponders.
A screen of the DVB-S/S2 Satlook Micro HD R10740 meter during using Easy Find mode
The users can define their own profiles, which can be used in the EasyFind mode. The maximum number of profiles is 5, each capable of storing 6 satellites or 6 transponders. Thanks to the possibility of defining individual profile for each polarization-band combination, the mode can be also very useful for installers of SMATV systems. As an example, the profile for Poland can contain four transponders of nc+ and Cyfrowy Polsat, all from Hot Bird (13°E). The polarization-band pairs are as follows: HH (Tp: 11747 H, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4), HL (Tp: 10892 H, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4), VH (Tp: 12188 V, SR: 27500, FEC: 5/6), VL(Tp: 11508 V, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4). This way, it is possible to quickly check each path of the multiswitch system. Other profiles can be used e.g. for measurements of signals from transponders broadcasting HD channels. In each case, when the signals have sufficient levels, the meter measures SNR and BER parameters.
Aesthetics and ease of installation - RACK cabinets.
In everyday practice, 19" RACK standard for devices and dedicated RACK cabinets have been used for years now in telecommunications, IT systems, stage equipment, laboratories etc. Aesthetic and functional RACK cabinets are designed for mounting all sorts of devices in standard 19" (482.6 mm) housings. The unit "U"- 1.75" (44.45 mm) allows to standardize the heights of the equipment mounted in the 19" RACK cabinets. The capacity of any RACK cabinet is given in the "U" units. Other important feature that should be taken into account when choosing a cabinet is its depth. The typical values are 450, 600, 800 and 1000 mm. The appropriate depth of the cabinet depends on the depth of the installed equipment and makes it easy to install, connect, and maintain the devices mounted in it, just by reducing cable congestion.RACK cabinets are suitable for mounting all sorts of devices compliant with19" standard. They are ideal for installing headends, switches, servers, optical devices. Equipped with appropriate shelves and drawers, they can also house devices that are not in standard 19" rack housings, for example multiswitches, RF amplifiers, modulators, DVRs.
More practical information on RACK cabinets can be found in the RACK cabinets for quick, easy and neat installation of electronic equipment article.
The OMT-35 R96025 flush-mounted cable connection box is intended both for apartments in multifamily buildings and single-family homes. Normally, it is used in each apartment to connect telecommunication cables running from the technical room with those connected to the outlets deployed in the apartment. It is suitable for copper wiring (twisted pair cables, TV coaxial cables) and optical fibers, in any configurations. The box is divided into 3 areas: smaller compartment dedicated for keeping spare lengths of cables, bigger compartment for placing passive (such as TV/SAT splitters) and active (such as RF amplifiers, cable modems) components of the home system, and intermediate panel carrying connectors/adapters.
The panel has 8 holes for universal Keystone connectors, 8 holes for F connectors, and 2 openings for fiber-optic adapters.

The application of the OMT-35 R96025 box in an apartment
- turn off the control panel power supply (first disconnect the AC power, and then the battery);
- put a jumper on the RESET pins located on the control panel main board;
- turn on the control panel power supply (first connect the battery and then the AC power); the DIALER LED will start blinking;
- wait a few seconds until the DIALER LED goes out and remove the jumper from the pins; the control panel will enter service mode; the service mode menu will be displayed on the keypad with the lowest address;
- restore the factory default settings using the CLEAR ALL function (-> RESTARTS -> CLEAR ALL);
- start the KEYPADS ADDR. function (-> STRUCTURE -> HARDWARE -> IDENTIFICATION -> KEYPADS ADDR.) and set individual addresses in the keypads;
- Identify devices connected to the keypad bus
(-> STRUCTURE -> HARDWARE -> IDENTIFICATION -> LCD KEYPADS ID.); - identify devices connected to the expander bus
(-> STRUCTURE -> HARDWARE -> IDENTIFICATION -> EXPANDERS ID.); - exit the service mode using the END SERVICE function;
- after a prompt appears on the keypad display whether to save the data to the FLASH memory, press the key with the number 1; by saving a copy of the settings to the FLASH memory, the control panel will be able to restore them from the backup copy if an error is detected in the data stored in the RAM memory;
- after the data is saved to the FLASH memory, the control panel restarts (the keypad display will be blank for a moment); after the restart, the control panel should work properly and the installer can program the system.
In the case of using a computer running DLOADX program, connected to the RS-232 port of the control panel, the service mode will not start (it will be possible to program the control panel locally from the computer).

The location of the RESET pins on the SATEL INTEGRA 32 main board G2004
How to set IP addresses of Sunell cameras.
The appropriate IP address of an IP camera is one of the necessary conditions of its network connection. Since the v.1.8.06 firmware version, Sunell IP cameras have a dual mechanism for IP address assignment. From the moment of turning on, the camera searches for 2 minutes for a DHCP server that should assign it the IP address. If the server is not found, it will set the static IP address and subnet mask.In earlier versions of the software, the assignment of the IP address for the camera by a DHCP server was a necessary condition. The only possible way to get out of this requirement was to use the reset button (reset to factory settings), which resulted in assignment of the static IP address and subnet mask.
Dome IP camera Sunell SN-IPR54/14ALDN K1697
The assignment of the IP address by DHCP server is useful when a number of cameras are simultaneously added to the network. Then, each camera gets a different IP address and the update is performed immediately. It is recommended that after getting connection with a camera, the IP address assigned by the DHCP server should be defined as static, which guarantees that it won't change.
Wireless Flood Detector: Exta Free RCZ-01 F5807 is responsible for the safety of homes or other facilities, effectively protecting them from flooding. In the case of flooding, the detector warns the user(s) by sound alarm (buzzer) and graphically (in mobile app on a handheld). RCZ-01 is compatible with Exta Free EFC-02 F5001 controller and receivers/actuators. The use of the controller allows for grouping all flood detectors deployed throughout the home or facility in the mobile app for easy monitoring. | ||
Surge Protector with EMI/RFI Filter OP-230 (type 3) P1422 ensures professional protection of electronic devices powered from 230 VAC power networks in industrial systems and residential buildings. Such protectors are especially dedicated for complex automation systems with timers, PLCs, measuring devices, computers etc. They are also recommended for use in residential buildings, homes and apartments, due to the raising numbers of computers, home automation devices, consumer electronics appliances. | ||
Carbon Monoxide Detector KIDDE 5DCO (LCD) G9985 is used for continuous monitoring of premises exposed to the danger of this poisonous gas. Every 15 seconds the device shows current level of carbon monoxide in the range of 0 to 999 PPM. The sensor is equipped with optical (red LED) and acoustic signaling (85 dB alarm sound) which automatically starts when a threat is detected. Its TEST / RESET button is used for verifying all functions of the sensor, and PEAK LEVEL button allows for reading the maximum value of CO concentration stored in the memory of the sensor. | ||
Worth reading
IP CCTV systems - recording of surveillance data when the LAN fails. IP CCTV systems require the highest possible degree of protection of the surveillance data. Professional monitoring systems where the priority is their reliability ensure variety of security features that are designed to provide trouble-free operation, regardless of the circumstances. In the event of an NVR failure, the data can be recorded on a redundant device. In the case of LAN breakdown, the material can be recorded on microSD cards installed directly in IP cameras. They record the video streams that cannot reach the NVR because of the network failure... more