No. 13/2010 (March 29, 2010)
A breakthrough in high-speed wireless transmission - Gigabit WiFi.
Since 2008, two working groups under the auspices of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) have been developing standards to enable wireless data transmission at rates exceeding 1 Gb/s. The new standards are 802.11ac (Very High Throughput <6 GHz) and 802.11ad (Very High Throughput 60 GHz). The work should be completed by December 2012.802.11ac, using 5 GHz band, will be the successor of the 802.11n, ratified in September 2009. It will also employ multi-antenna technology - MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). The transmission will be possible in 20 MHz- , 40 MHz-, 80 MHz- and even 160 MHz-wide channels.
802.11ad will use 60 GHz band. Due to the fact that signal attenuation increases with frequency, the standard will be suitable for devices communicating with each other at small distances, in one room. It will offer a 1000 times higher speed than Bluetooth 2.0.
Completion of the work on the new standards will increase capacity of the "Multimedia home" project. This concept includes wired transmission USB 3.0 and HDMI version 1.4. The 802.11ac standard is intended for wireless communication within the home, while 802.11ad will ensure wireless transmission in a single room.
IEEE 802.11 working group project timelines
After launching a series of devices allowing wireless transmission at speeds up to 150 Mb/s and 300 Mb/s,
in spring TP-Link company will launch n devices with data transfers up to 450 Mb/s
in spring TP-Link company will launch n devices with data transfers up to 450 Mb/s
The basic version of 802.11 offered maximum data transfer of 2 Mb/s, 802.11a allows to send data in 5 GHz band with a maximum speed of 54 Mb/s. 802.11b and 802.11g standards use 2.4 GHz band and allow transmission speeds up to 11 Mb/s and 54 Mb/s respectively. The latest version - 802.11n - using 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, offers data transfers up to 600 Mb/s. The 802.11ac and 802.11ad standards will allow speeds of 1 Gb/s.
Country of high antenna masts.
It seems that antenna mounting techniques should not vary much across Europe. However, the practice is different. Some countries use specific mounts due to climatic conditions. For example, in the Netherlands, a large part of antenna masts are free-standing structures, and the antennas are screwed to pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. This method of attachment allows to get necessary resistance of the structures to strong winds.In the central part of England winds are much weaker, so the masts in London rarely have diameters greater than 30 mm. In Greece, many antennas are motorized, which allows to receive broadcasts from different transmitters.
The pictures below have been taken in a country where antennas, more often than in other countries, are installed on very high structures, most commonly on truss towers.
In what country do they use so high poles and towers to install television antennas? - Check your answer at the end of this issue.
In what country do they use so high poles and towers to install television antennas?
Check your answer at the end of this issue.
Converting MATV into SMATV system.
In many cases, the users of MATV systems would like to connect individual satellite receivers. It requires adding a satellite installation with multiswitch/es. The diagram below proposes satellite system with two LNBs (for two satellites) and MSR-908 R70808 multiswitch. Other options include 16-output multiswitch R70866, 24-output multiswitch R70874, or 32-output multiswitch R70882. It is highly recommended to use the galvanic isolator R48605 at the input of the terrestrial TV path. The terrestrial signals usually have to be amplified (AI-223 R90452) before connecting to the input of active terrestrial path of the multiswitch. The SMATV system allows to combine CCTV signals (via RF modulators, e.g. MT-21p R871721).
A simple SMATV system
Powerful IR illuminator.
IR-150 M1650 is large and powerful IR LED illuminator suitable for cooperation with B/W and color day/night cameras, operating at 850 nm wavelength. The IR illuminator has been equipped with 30 diodes (8 mm), which ensures uniform lighting of a large area. It is switched on automatically when the ambient light falls below 3 lx (built-in dusk sensor). The device has internal fan that is also switched on by the sensor. Strong aluminum housing may be mounted from the top or bottom side. The set includes a bracket for optional wall mounting.The practice shows that:
- the light of illuminators operating at 715 nm to 730 nm is completely visible,
- the light of illuminators operating at 815 nm to 850 nm is seen as a delicate red glow,
- the light of illuminators operating at 940 nm to 950 nm is not noticeable by humans.
IR illuminator IR-150
Preview of images from ACTi cameras via iPhone.
To display images on websites, most IP cameras use ActiveX controls. This solution has a serious drawback associated with the necessity of using only one browser - Internet Explorer. An interesting way to overcome this problem is used by ACTi - MJPEG stream available in the devices allows to display images using any browser and any operating system. Application of this function enables a significant expansion of the capabilities of the IP CCTV system - the images from the cameras can be viewed remotely from any location.Below there is the result of the function on a portable device - iPhone - equipped with Safari browser. Precise instructions on how to configure the cameras can be found here.
Video surveillance of apartment buildings in Manhattan.
The most famous island in the world - Manhattan - is a densely populated metropolis. With so many residents there is a higher percentage of thefts and robberies. A significant number of residents use the services offered by local security companies. They use various systems, developed along with the technological progress in the industry.One of the modern and popular electronic security systems is the Virtual Doorman(R) service. Virtual-doorman services have been installed mainly in buildings with fewer than 40 apartments, where a real doorman would be prohibitively expensive. A good solution is integration of video monitoring systems of several buildings with continuous supervision. These systems have successfully applied CCTV DVRs from the world leader of the industry, Hikvision corporation.
In each building analog CCTV cameras are aimed at entrance/s and hallways. The core of such subsystem is a standalone Hikvision DVR. Each DVR is connected to Virtual Doorman(R) motoring center via the Internet. The operator of the specialized company - the virtual doormen - is responsible for supervision over the building: identification of people entering, reaction to incidents or fire etc. The virtual doorman can see and talk to someone at the entrance and open the door.
The choice of Hikvision DVRs was dictated by many factors, of which the most important are:
- H.264 compression, allowing to minimize the volume of video files,
- reliable operation in the Internet,
- ability to work with existing CCTV systems,
- remote configuration,
- excellent image quality in high resolution, allowing for the identification of people,
- two types of streams sent to the network,
- privacy zones for each camera.
Hikvision DVRs are also known as Ultimax - Hikvision. There are available the following models:
Currently, the Hikvision DVRs are used in more than 110 buildings in Manhattan. The system and the equipment quickly gained a significant position in the local market. The advantage is not only a lower cost of protection, but also a greater sense of privacy. The owners value the quality of the service and reliability of the equipment.
HIKVISION DVRs - the global products of the Asian tycoon
Standard 802.11n - a forward-looking solution for homes.
TP-Link is a leading global manufacturer of wireless devices operating in the n standard, allowing data transmission speeds up to 300 Mb/s. It offers two series of the products, that up to 300 Mb/s and another one with speeds up to 150 Mb/s (N-Lite).Devices using 802.11n standard are perfect for homes and offices, where the users often exchange files between computers.
The big advantage of TP-Link devices is the implementation of QSS function (Quick Secure Setup). This function enables the user to configure the wireless network quickly and easily. By pressing the QSS buttons on the covers of the wireless card and Access Point, the user starts the automatic configuration of the card and AP. The whole process takes about 10 seconds.
TP-Link devices compliant with 802.11n (300 Mb/s):
TP-Link devices compliant with 802.11n (150 Mb/s, N-Lite):
Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes.
This is the field that DIPOL will explore displaying its products once again at the 21st International Fair of Electronic Communication 2010.The standard equipment of every modern house includes antenna and telecommunication facilities: antenna system for radio and TV, telephone and computer network, door entry system/ door phone, CCTV monitoring, alarm system. DIPOL has experience based on active participation in the market for many years, developing own cabling systems (SignalNet), providing high-quality equipment, training designers and installers.
During the fair we gladly welcome design offices and installation companies - we look forward to a long-term successful partnership program.
Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes - DIPOL at INTERTELECOM in Lodz, Poland, April 13-15, 2010
Spain is a country of high masts
and gorgeous TV and communications towers. Below - spindle-shaped Montjuic Communications Tower (Barcelona) designed by Santiago Calatrava, and 288 m high TV tower - Torre de Collserola in Barcelona - designed by world-famous specialist in high constructions, sir Norman Foster.Spain is a country of gorgeous TV and communications towers
We have written about:
Megapixel video surveillance system at a gas/petrol station. Shell Kalundborg in Denmark recently contracted modern monitoring system based on ACTi IP cameras.
The solution has been chosen as superior to analog system with 550 TVL cameras. The fact that images from megapixel cameras can be further zoomed, gives the IP system an advantage of reducing the number of cameras.
The station is monitored with five outdoor cameras ACM-1231 K1511 and two indoor cameras ACM-4201 K1514...
Megapixel video surveillance system at a gas/petrol station. Shell Kalundborg in Denmark recently contracted modern monitoring system based on ACTi IP cameras.
The solution has been chosen as superior to analog system with 550 TVL cameras. The fact that images from megapixel cameras can be further zoomed, gives the IP system an advantage of reducing the number of cameras.
The station is monitored with five outdoor cameras ACM-1231 K1511 and two indoor cameras ACM-4201 K1514...

Video surveillance of recreation places with the use of ULTIAIR devices. At recreational areas, especially used seasonally, it is difficult and uneconomical to install wired monitoring systems. The video data can be easily transmitted via wireless links, using e.g. devices of ULTIAIR series.
The simplest IP monitoring can be performed with outdoor megapixel IP cameras ACTi ACM-1231 K1511. Thanks to the 1.3 Mpx cameras the operator can see more details or watch wider areas in comparison with standard video cameras...
Central power distribution in multiswitch systems. Modern multiswitch installations should be powered from one central point. This solution is easier to implement, without the need of supplying 230 VAC to every installation box with the multiswitch.
The leading manufacturers of multiswitches implement this kind of power distribution in their products...
Index of published issues
The simplest IP monitoring can be performed with outdoor megapixel IP cameras ACTi ACM-1231 K1511. Thanks to the 1.3 Mpx cameras the operator can see more details or watch wider areas in comparison with standard video cameras...
Central power distribution in multiswitch systems. Modern multiswitch installations should be powered from one central point. This solution is easier to implement, without the need of supplying 230 VAC to every installation box with the multiswitch.
The leading manufacturers of multiswitches implement this kind of power distribution in their products...
Index of published issues