No. 12/2010 (March 22, 2010)
CCTV market - now and in the future.
Last year many manufacturers and investors had to face the crises, thus their striving for efficiency. However, it did not mean stagnation in the field of security systems, especially in CCTV. On the contrary - the situation forced the industry to lower prices while maintaining quality standards and accelerating the pace of development.Annual turnover of CCTV industry is estimated to be $13 billion (source: The latest sales forecasts for the coming years predict annual increase of 20%. The main markets are still Europe and North America. Companies wishing to have a significant share of the profits, should already today anticipate upcoming changes in the way of designing video security systems.
The first factor is the drop in prices of network (IP) cameras and other elements of CCTV networks based on Internet Protocol. The trend of previous years will be continued in the coming future. The main reason for using network cameras is much higher resolution compared to analog devices. 5-megapixel resolution is becoming a standard. There are first prototypes of IP CCTV cameras with resolution of 16 Mpx or even 21 Mpx.
However, analog systems still account for about 80% of the market. In the next year the share of IP-based solutions is expected to increase to 25%, in 2012 both technologies should have an equal market share.
However, analog systems still account for about 80% of the market. In the next year the share of IP-based solutions is expected to increase to 25%, in 2012 both technologies should have an equal market share.
In addition to refining existing solutions, there is scope for innovations. Designers are developing independent operating systems providing an intelligent IP video surveillance platform with ready-to-use algorithms capable of risk identification on the basis of image analysis, including behavior of people and motion in the area.
The dominant trend is to minimize the role of operators. Video surveillance centers are equipped with increasingly sophisticated and effective image analysis systems which can take over many activities previously carried out by the staff.
Thus the growing importance of Intelligent Video Software (IVS) that allows for:
The dominant trend is to minimize the role of operators. Video surveillance centers are equipped with increasingly sophisticated and effective image analysis systems which can take over many activities previously carried out by the staff.
Thus the growing importance of Intelligent Video Software (IVS) that allows for:
- Advanced Motion Detection - resistance to interferences such as changing light or weather, shadows etc.,
- Left Object Detection,
- Motion Tracking - tracking of moving objects,,
- Facial Detection - recognition of people,
- Vehicle Identification - identification of license plates, ,
- Object Persistence Detection - analyzing persons/objects that stay in the field of view for a long time,
- Fire Detection,
- People Counting,
- Traffic Flow Analysis,
- Action Analysis - scuffles etc,,
- Flow Control - of crowds of people (at stadiums etc),
- Attention Research - measurements of the periods that people spend observing an object (at exhibitions, shop windows etc).
To summarize, video monitoring systems will be increasingly based on IP networks and intelligent software. Their development is connected with increasing computing power of new processors and growing storage capacity of modern data carriers, as well as with introduction of more efficient compression schemes and massive use of fiber optic technology.
A world of fantasy in the era of globalization.
Mass-produced goods dominate the market and marginalize regional products. Similar architecture, the same cars, televisions, clothes - it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish New York from Shanghai.However, there are still places of unique character. Poverty and low purchasing power of the inhabitants force them to construct various articles on their own, including TV antennas. Some "exotic" and interesting solutions are shown in the photos.
Where is the land of antenna fantasy? - You can check your answer at the end of this issue.
Where is the land of antenna fantasy? - You can check your answer at the end of this issue.
SMATV system for multi-family building, with 60-1000 outlets.
The system provides each outlet with all available terrestrial broadcasts and satellite programs from two satellites (e.g. Astra 19.2E and HotBird 13E).The antennas (including high-gain UHF antenna A2670) and triplexer are mounted on the roof. The set of channel amplifiers and rest of the equipment are placed inside the building. The amplifiers allow to equalize the input levels of the terrestrial signals, which is very important in the case so large distribution networks.
The distribution network is comprised of TERRA multiswitches of MSV series and satellite taps with different tap attenuation levels. The biggest advantage of such a system is its flexibility. Thanks to the wide range of TERRA multiswitches, the designer has virtually limitless possibilities of creating the network and choosing the right equipment. The system is expandable and allows to implement new functions in the future.
The diagram shown below allows to distribute terrestrial and satellite signals to 224 subscriber outlets. The individual MSV-932 R70732 multiswitches can be replaced by models with a smaller number of outputs. There are available MSV multiswitches with 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32 outputs. Each of the risers can be split into two subnetworks. Designing multiswitch systems it is worth to remember about double-tuner PVRs - each of them requires two independent signal lines.
A very important issue is the choice of a suitable cable. On one hand - the cable should be easy to lay in long trays, on the other - it has to provide the best physical parameters such as attenuation, impedance matching and shielding effectiveness. The last parameter is critical in multiswitch installations due to the fact that the trays group 5 or 9 cables running in parallel and carrying different signals (combinations of polarization/band). To avoid problems with interference, manifested by inadequate signals from some transponders, the cables must ensure at least 85 dB screening efficiency. Taking into consideration cables used in subscriber installations, TRISET-113 E1015 with 92% braid coverage has the highest screening efficiency, about 100 dB (A+/A++ class).
A very important issue is the choice of a suitable cable. On one hand - the cable should be easy to lay in long trays, on the other - it has to provide the best physical parameters such as attenuation, impedance matching and shielding effectiveness. The last parameter is critical in multiswitch installations due to the fact that the trays group 5 or 9 cables running in parallel and carrying different signals (combinations of polarization/band). To avoid problems with interference, manifested by inadequate signals from some transponders, the cables must ensure at least 85 dB screening efficiency. Taking into consideration cables used in subscriber installations, TRISET-113 E1015 with 92% braid coverage has the highest screening efficiency, about 100 dB (A+/A++ class).
The system is based on TERRA multiswitches of MSV series and satellite taps.
It provides each outlet with all available terrestrial broadcasts and satellite programs from two satellites (e.g. Astra 19.2E and HotBird 13E).
The advantages of SMATV systems based on TERRA multiswitches of MSV series:
- high scalability and flexibility of installations
- unlimited design possibilities
- possibility of powering the whole distribution network from a single amplifier or multiswitch (one amplifier of SA series can power up to 8-10 multiswitches)
- double-row arrangement of outputs reducing dimensions of the devices
- standardized arrangement outputs allowing to connect several devices using fast F connectors=
- the parameters given by the manufacturer -TERRA company - are guaranteed values (e.g. isolation between inputs), which ensures repeatability of the equipment; the actual parameters are even better
SatNet program allows to design a practical implementation of the system.
To select the right components, the data for the design must contain:
To select the right components, the data for the design must contain:
- network topology,
- levels of satellite signals,
- levels of terrestrial signals,
- attenuation of the cable/s.
Each element of the installation has its control points (connections with the rest of the network, including the cable runs). Clicking on them, the user of the program can see detailed characteristics (signal levels for different frequencies). If the signals meet the adopted criteria, they are colored in green, if some levels are too low - in blue, if too high - in red. In the diagram below, all the points are in green - the project is consistent with the assumptions.
The design made with the SatNet program can be saved to a file. The file saved for the case shown above can be downloaded here. So anyone can install the SatNet program and load this file to test the utility - and modify the original example (e.g. by extending it).
The design made with the SatNet program can be saved to a file. The file saved for the case shown above can be downloaded here. So anyone can install the SatNet program and load this file to test the utility - and modify the original example (e.g. by extending it).
Bit Error Ratio (BER) - measurements.
The picture quality in digital TV is solely dependent on the quality of the signal, in contrast to analog TV, where - with the decrease in signal level - noise becomes more visible. The image information obtained from a digital signal is unchanged as long as the decoder can identify errors and perform corrective procedures.BER is the parameter determining overall possibility of reception and the quality of digitally transmitted programs.
BER value equal to 1*10-9 means that only one bit per billion can be erroneous. Due to FEC (Forward Error Correction, the BER value sufficient for proper reception is changeable. In practice, the reception possibility (threshold) begins for BER below 1*10-3, whereas values about 1*10-9 and lower ensure ideal reception.
BER is usually displayed in scientific or exponential notation, e.g.:
- 1E-3 (or 1*10-3) - which means one erroneous bit per thousand bits received,
- 1E-9 (or 1*10-9) - which means one erroneous bit per billion bits received.
It is important to realize which BER value is measured:
- aBER - after correction,
- bBER - before correction.
aBER - after Viterbi Bit-Error-Rate, also known as VBER, Post-Viterbi BER or BER before Reed-Salomon correction - it is usually about a million times smaller than bBER that is practically used during installing antenna systems. bBER is Bit-Error-Rate before Viterbi correction, also known as CBER (Channel Bit-Error-Rate) or Pre-Viterbi BER.
Generally accepted standards say that the received digital signals should feature bBER lower than 1E-4 (less than 1/10000). This threshold is called QEF (Quasi Error Free).
Signal quality measurements can be performed using e.g. Rover Scout ST2+ R10830 (for DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-H, DVB-C).
Generally accepted standards say that the received digital signals should feature bBER lower than 1E-4 (less than 1/10000). This threshold is called QEF (Quasi Error Free).
Signal quality measurements can be performed using e.g. Rover Scout ST2+ R10830 (for DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-H, DVB-C).
Correlations between C/N, BER, and image quality
C/N [dB] | BER | reception quality |
5.0 | 10-3 | no reception |
8.0 | 10-4 | inadequate |
10.5 | 10-5 | satisfactory |
11.7 | 10-6 | good |
12.3 | 10-7 | very good |
12.8 | 10-8 | perfect |
13.2 | 10-9 | ideal |
The cameras of the series are characterized by high resolution - 2.0 Mpx, which means a lot of detail in the images. High resolution is associated with a large amount of data. However, Pixord cameras use H.264 compression which significantly reduces the demand for bandwidth and disk space for recordings.
Another novelty is the ability to generate three independent video data streams with different resolution, compression, or frame rate.
The differences in some functions:
Another novelty is the ability to generate three independent video data streams with different resolution, compression, or frame rate.
The differences in some functions:
An important advantage of PiXORD cameras is their new software provided by GVD company. The software enables full management of the IP CCTV system with up to 16 channels, i.e. live monitoring, data recording, video control.

The concept of IP CCTV system in an office, based on PIXORD megapixel cameras
iVMS4000 - modern network client for large IP CCTV systems.
In the case of dispersed locations (petrol/gas stations, chain stores etc.), the important feature of the video surveillance system is easy configuration of the channels in the remote monitoring center. The iVMS4000 software provides maximum flexibility. It is a network client dedicated for cooperation with Hikvision - ULTIMAX DVRs of 7300 series - M74040, M74080, M74160, 8100HD-I series - M76080, M76160, and 8100HF-I series - M78080, M78160.Main features of the application:
- possibility of simultaneous monitoring of up to 64 channels (on a single monitor),
- full configuration of connected DVRs,
- additional options not available from the main menu, such as adding texts to images, setting variable bitrate, individual account settings
- easy searching of recordings by presenting them on the timeline, simultaneous playback of up to 4 channels (each channel may come from different DVR),
- possibility of archiving files (recordings) and viewing them remotely or locally,
- full configuration of Internet connection,
- choice of primary or secondary stream.
iVMS4000 software can provide remote access to up to 50 DVRs. The program allows to create user accounts with with different access rights, from full management (administrator) to limited sets of functions and areas for "guest" accounts. The software is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, and also supports older Ultimax models: M71040, M72040, from 300, 500 and 700 series, as well as Ulticam IP cameras: K1140, K1440, K1441.
Problems with 3G connectivity?
Development of cellular networks using WCDMA (3G) technology, offering data transfers up to 7.2 Mb/s makes the service an interesting option for many customers. However, there are many places that do not allow to utilize this service because of too low signal. To solve the problems, DIPOL offers 3G repeaters Signal 3G-500 A67100, allowing to amplify 3G signals and distribute them inside buildings. They perfectly solve the most common connectivity problems in places where the 3G signals are sufficient outdoors, but inadequate for fast data transmission inside buildings.
Application of 3G repeater in a single family house
Main features:
- Support for 3G cellular phones (1920-2170 MHz)
- Indoor coverage area 500 m2
- Gain suitable for the coverage area
- Easy installation (Plug and Play)
Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes.
This is the field that DIPOL will explore displaying its products once again at Intertelecom 2010 trade fair.Standard equipment of every modern house includes antenna and telecommunication facilities: antenna system for radio and TV, telephone and computer network, door entry system/ door phone, CCTV monitoring, alarm system. DIPOL has experience based on active participation in the market for many years, developing own cabling systems (SignalNet), providing high-quality equipment, training designers and installers.
Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes - DIPOL at Intertelecom 2010 in Lodz, Poland.
Together with design offices we have developed concepts and with installation companies we have prepared complete equipment platforms that have been thoroughly tested in many housing developments
Several new products that will be presented at the fair:
Ukraine, with total area of 604 thousand km2, is the second largest European country (after Russia). With nearly 46 million people, it has very promising market potential. However, currently the exports of raw materials and low-processed metal products provide about 70% of revenue, which means that the industry of the country is still underdeveloped.The leading foreign investors in Ukraine are the United States, Cyprus, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Russia.
The legacy of constant fighting with Turks (the castle in Chocim), beautiful Orthodox churches, Armenian churches (cathedral in Lvov).
Ukraine attracts visitors with true exotic.
-Who has build this fortress? - asked in 1621 Turkish sultan Osman II, that had come here to attack Kamieniec.
- That's Allah's work - his dignitaries replied.
- So Allah is only able to capture it - said the sultan. He became discouraged and abandoned his intentions.
The reason he didn't lay siege to the stronghold was the unique lie of the land, which strongly favored defenders - the river had formed a canyon that perfectly protected both the fortress and the town - the details on the chart here.
- That's Allah's work - his dignitaries replied.
- So Allah is only able to capture it - said the sultan. He became discouraged and abandoned his intentions.
The reason he didn't lay siege to the stronghold was the unique lie of the land, which strongly favored defenders - the river had formed a canyon that perfectly protected both the fortress and the town - the details on the chart here.
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Video surveillance of POS. The POS Video Text Inserter FG-4 M1720 and RS-232 to RS-485 converter SNIF-42 M1721 (sniffer) link point of sale terminal (cash register) with CCTV cameras, to produce a continuous overlay of transactions, superimposed on video output. This allows to save complete information about sales - it is recorded on the DVR in parallel with surveillance video. Any accidental (or intentional) mistakes can be easily pointed out in the archive recordings.
Combining video surveillance with POS data, it is possible to check whether the product given to the customer is consistent with that on the receipt. It allows to prove the correctness of any transaction...
Video surveillance of POS. The POS Video Text Inserter FG-4 M1720 and RS-232 to RS-485 converter SNIF-42 M1721 (sniffer) link point of sale terminal (cash register) with CCTV cameras, to produce a continuous overlay of transactions, superimposed on video output. This allows to save complete information about sales - it is recorded on the DVR in parallel with surveillance video. Any accidental (or intentional) mistakes can be easily pointed out in the archive recordings.
Combining video surveillance with POS data, it is possible to check whether the product given to the customer is consistent with that on the receipt. It allows to prove the correctness of any transaction...

Multimedia home based on future-oriented 802.11n standard. The 802.11n standard enables data transfer speeds up to 300 Mbps, which perfectly meets the needs for transmission of home multimedia. Wireless transfers of music or video to a laptop connected wirelessly can take much less time than sending the same files with the use of a wired "Fast Ethernet" connection...
Intelligent analog camera - motion detection and privacy zones. The intelligent, high quality analog camera SN-FXP3200MIR M10790 allows to create as many as 4 motion detection and 8 privacy zones.
Privacy zones are indispensable in such cases like toilets in prison cells, baths, swimming pools, changing rooms etc., whereas motion detection zones can facilitate e.g. operation of attended parking lots.
SN-FXP3200MIR camera uses the highest-quality 1/3'' CCD Super HAD II from SONY, which is an improved version of the SONY CCD Super HAD sensor...
Index of published issues
Intelligent analog camera - motion detection and privacy zones. The intelligent, high quality analog camera SN-FXP3200MIR M10790 allows to create as many as 4 motion detection and 8 privacy zones.
Privacy zones are indispensable in such cases like toilets in prison cells, baths, swimming pools, changing rooms etc., whereas motion detection zones can facilitate e.g. operation of attended parking lots.
SN-FXP3200MIR camera uses the highest-quality 1/3'' CCD Super HAD II from SONY, which is an improved version of the SONY CCD Super HAD sensor...
Index of published issues